
Cyngor Cymuned | Community Council



 Please see our Facebook Page for the latest local village event listings 


March 2025
Community Council
Council Meeting
Public meeting
Dinorben Arms (Private Dining Room)

Defibrillator Information

Click here for: Defibrillator locations in the Bodfari area

Free NHS defibrillator training is available on the following dates:-

  • February 27th 10am – 12pm at the Dinorben Arms in Bodfari.
  • March 19th 1pm – 3pm at the Salusbury Arms in Tremeirchion

Please contact the clerk of the council if you would like to attend this FREE training event.



The Community of Bodfari


Welcome to the web-site of Bodfari Community Council.

The earliest certain evidence of human settlement in Bodfari is represented by the hillfort on the summit of the hill at Moel y Gaer, to the north-west of the village. It is one of the smallest and lower-lying of the chain of hillforts along the Clwydians, It is probably of Iron Age date, and built about 2,500 years ago.

Perhaps also the site of a Roman way-station on a sub-highway between Chester and Watling Street, it was once thought that the name derived from a Roman general, Varius, but this has now been discounted. Certainly, Roman remains of urns, pottery, weapons and coins have been found in the area.

The tower of St Stephen’s is late medieval (in fact 13th century), though the parish of Bodfari is mentioned for the first time in the Domesday survey of 1088. The founder is believed to be Deifar or Diar. St Deifar’s holy well was famous for its Ascension Day processional service and as a place where children were dipped to the neck at three of its corners ‘to prevent their crying at night.’ The body of the church was rebuilt in 1865.


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Bodfari Community Council